The city lies at the foot of the Medvednica massif, over the Sava. The center is quite extensive, but easy to visit on foot. The oldest parts are the Kaptol and Gradec hills, which are situated on the neighboring two (upper Town; Upper Town). Kaptol can be recognized by the soaring towers of the cathedral; Gradec is situated on the left (West) from him. At their foot there is Donji hail (Lower Town) with monumental buildings of 19th-century theaters, museums and galleries, surrounded by parks. The main artery of the modern center is Ilica (6 km long), which comes to the main square – Ban Jelacic Square.
People planning a longer tour can buy ( at the tourist information office) the so-called. Zagreb Card, entitling to free travel by all means of public transport (also rope), 50% discounts in museums and galleries, discounts in restaurants, discos, in parking lots, etc.. The card costs money 60 kn, is important 72 hours and includes not only its adult owner, but also the accompanying child to 12. age.
It is not difficult to find accommodation in Zagreb, because the prices are quite exorbitant. There are few cheaper offers, and offices often refuse to book by phone, so it's best to try to sleep in the morning. Breakfast is included in the price of accommodation in the following hotels.
Hotel Sheraton Zagreb (the. Prince Borne 2, tel.O1 / 4553535, fax 4553035, 624 places. 275 € / os.
Hotel Regent Esplanade Zagreb (the. Михановићева 1, tel.01/4566666, fax 4577907, seats. 270 € / os. in a double room.
Hotel Dubrovnik (the. Gajeva 1, tel.01/ 4873555, fax 4818447, 372 places. 70 6/you. in a double room.
Hotel Tomislavov dom (Slijemenska road 24, tel.O1 / 4560400, fax 4560401, At the top of Mount Slijeme. 87 seats. 48,50— 57,50 € / os. in a double room.
Hotel Central (the. Branimirova 3, tel.01/ 4841122, fax 4841303, 119 seats. 44—53 € / os. in a double room.
Hotel Galerija (Pogacic 9, tel.01/ 6542577, fax 6542577, hotel.galerija @ 31 € / os. in a double room.
Motel Plitvice (Lučka, tel.O1 / 6530444, fax 6530445, motel@motel-plitvice. hr). 10 km from Zagreb, on the Zagreb-Ljubljana route; from the center by trams #4, 14 i 17 to Savski Most, where buses run to the settlement of Lućko. 140 seats. 28 € / os. in a double room.
Private accommodation
Accommodation prices are much higher than at the seaside. For a double room. you have to pay 29-32 €. Apartment 2-os. costs approx. 40 € / night, the 4-os. 58-64 €.
Several tourist offices are engaged in renting:
Evistas Ul. A. Senoina 28, tel.01/4839554, fax 4839543,
ADP Gloria British Square 5, tel.01/ 4823567,
IBUS UL. Kranjceviceva 29, tel.01/3694333, fax 3648631,
Pugna Radnićka cesta 27, tel.01/6040910, fax 6040910.
Di Prom Trnsko 25a, tel.01/6550039, fax 6550233,
Mlrna noć Miroševećina 35, tel.01/ 2985117,
Nest Ul. Sorry 54, tel.01/3013282, 3013183,
Youth hostels and camping
There are several cheap night shelters in Zagreb. It is worth booking a place in advance, the more that some of them are closed. Youth hotel (the. Petrinjska 77, tel.01/4841261, fax 4841269, zagreb@ Close to the train station, next to the Astoria hotel. All year round, 210 places in 1-6-person rooms. 10 € / os. in a 6-person room, 28,90—39.20 € / double room. Some people complain about the noise; reservation indicated.
Hostel Ravnice (I Ravnice 38d, tel.01/ 2332325, fax 2345607, Access from the train station by tram #4, towards Dubec, possibly from Trgu bana Jelaćić – #11 the 12. Very decent, but only 30 places in the rooms 2-, 4- and 10-os. Reservation necessary. 13,50 € / os. in a dormitory room.
Youth hotel Remetinec (Remetinacki gaj 28, tel.01/6542539, fax 6140039). Access by trams #4, 14 i 17 to Savski Most and then by bus #222.
Camping Plitvice (Lučka, next to the motel Plitvice, tel.01/6530446, fax 6530445,, access see. higher). Open April-October.
The level of catering establishments is very diverse - and in terms of prices, and qualitatively - but unlike hotels, restaurants are not more expensive than on the coast. If someone wants to feed himself, has numerous grocery stores at its disposal, np. Delicatessen in Ilica 39 or the neighboring Konzum. The main market in the city, Top up, is located above the Trgu bana Jelacića, and the 24-hour Dora bakery at Strossmayerov trg 7, near the train station. There are decent cafes at the Trgu bana Jelacića. Mala kavana leads the way (near the ban statue; from 8.00 until evening), There is also Ban cafe to choose from (pn.-sb. 12.00—24.00) and Gradska punished next to tourist information (7.30-22.30; desserts from 20 kn). Each of the listed premises has a garden.
Katedralis Restaurant (the. Бакаћева 9; 9.00—23.00). Opposite the cathedral. Menu of the day 59 kn, main dish 50-100 kn. Restaurant Kaptolski Klet (Chapter 5, tel.01/4814838; 10.00-24.00). In the courtyard opposite the cathedral. Cosily; lots of meat dishes.
Boban Restaurant (the. Gajeva 9, tel.01/4811549; 10.00-24.00). Close to Ban Jelacic Square, behind the Dubrovnik Hotel. Italian cuisine.
Restaurant Zdravljak nova (Ilica 72/1, tel.01/4847119; pn.-sb. 12.00-22.00). Vegetarian place.
Lopud Restaurant (Chapter 10, tel.01/ 4818775; pn.-sb. 11.00-23.00). Seafood is the specialty.
Leonardo Pizzeria (Skalinska 6; 9.00-01.00). One of many on this street, has a small garden. Denmark 15-40 kn. Pizzeria (Opatovina 37; 9.00-24.00). You can eat at tables outside the premises. Pizzas 28-35 kn.
Bistro Maharaja (Opatovina 19). In the red building, ok. 20 m of targu (you have to go up the wooden stairs). Soups 15 kn, main dish 50-75 kn, the plant's specialties 150-180 kn / 2 people.