Poreč – Communication – Accommodation

A holiday spent in Porec or its vicinity will surely be successful. Located on the west coast of Istria, the city offers the tourist a blue-green warm sea with rocky coves, pine groves and small islands. Lots of people come here, to see the Euphrasian Basilica, a monument inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List. In summer, the atmosphere thickens - there are more than two guests per inhabitant. Who doesn't like crowds, he should arrive at the beginning of summer or early fall.


The bus station is close to the old town (the. K. Hughesa 2, entrance also from ul. Konćar works 1, tel.052/432153; 5.00-21.00). There is a mini market and a toilet in the station.

Buses from Porec: m.in. to Buje (6 daily), Knew (10 daily), Puli (ok. 10 daily), Rivers (do 10 daily), Rovinj (do 9 daily), Umag (6 daily), Vrsar (a dozen), Zagreb (ok. 10). The city also has direct connections, among others. with Varażdin, Osijek and cities abroad, np. buses run daily to Trieste and Lubiana.

Adriatica Navigazione ferries from Trieste arrive at the harbor in Porec in summer (3 weekly), and also Venezia Lines from Venice and Trieste (1 weekly), continuing to Rovinj.


The old part of the city was built on a small peninsula, near which is the islet of St.. Nicholas (saint Nicholas). To the north and south of the old Poreć, modern districts are located, m.in. designed with tourists in Plava Laguna and Zelena Laguna.

The best way to explore the old town is on foot, leaving the car in one of the large parking lots. The famous basilica rises to the north of the old town, and its southern border is the seaside promenade (Coast of Marshal Tito). Going south along it, you reach the marina for yachts. There is a bus station near the marina.

In summer, you can reach the center by a tourist train from the tourist estates. Runs daily (9.00-24.00), tickets are purchased from the driver. The route runs from the Hotel Luna (north of the center), through the old part of the city and the Plava Laguna district to the Zelena Laguna estate. There is also a tourist boat on the Porec-Brulo-Plava Laguna-Zelena Laguna route and back (8.30-24.00, ok. 100 seats). In Porec, it is moored at the seaside promenade; tickets are bought on board. Boats to the island of St.. Nicholas are leaving (in the season) from the new pier at the marina.

In hotel districts, the beaches stretch almost along the entire coast. They are also on the island of Sveti Nikola. Worth knowing, that over a dozen Poreća beaches received (m.in. w 2004 r.) The blue flag.


In addition to the tourist information office (Porec Tourist Board; the. Zagreb girl 9, tel.052/451293, fax 451665, infopunkt@inet.hr; in the season Mon-Sun. 8.00-21.00) There are over a dozen private information agencies in Porec, some of which specialize in finding accommodation for tourists.

Sex on the Internet: www.porec.hr, www.istra.com/porec.


There are many places to stay, Despite this, especially in high season, There may be problems with finding accommodation at a reasonable price. Complete list of hotels, guesthouses, camping sites and other facilities of this type are provided by tourist information.

Hotels They are located in Porec and its vicinity, approx. 30. Several are operating in the city, but real tourist centers, with their own restaurants, beaches, sports facilities were built on its outskirts. To the north are the settlements of Pical and Materada, in the south - Brulo, Blue Lagoon, Zelena Laguna and Bijela uvala.

Hotel Fortuna (saint Nicholas, tel.052/ 406000, fax 451119, riviera@riviera.hr). On the beach; 355 seats; restaurant, water equipment rental. 58—67 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Plavi (Porec, Green Lagoon, tel.052/413000, fax 451571, mail@plavalaguna.hr). Near to the beach; 392 places; restaurant. 48-57 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Zorna (Porec, Green Lagoon, tel.052/413700, fax 451327, zorna@plavalaguna.hr). 412 seats. 48—57 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Neptune (Coast of Marshal Tito 15, tel.052/400800, fax 431351, riviera@riviera.hr). At the waterfront of the old part of the city; 263 places; restaurant. 44-53 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Parentino (Coast of Marsala Tito 18, tel.052/400800, fax 431351, riviera@riviera.hr). At the waterfront of the old part of the city; 28 seats; restaurant. 44-48 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Poreć (the. Konćar works 1, tel.052/ 451811, fax 451811, info@hotelporec.com). At the bus station, quite close to the beach; 120 seats; restaurant. 43—47 € / os. in a double room.

Hotel Galeb (Porec, Green Lagoon, tel.052/412000, fax 412001, galeb@plavalaguna.hr). Near to the beach; 766 seats; And the restaurant. 35—41 € / os. in a double room.


Camping Zelena Laguna (Green Lagoon, tel.052/410700, fax 410601, ac.zelenalaguna@plavalaguna.hr). 1 IV-8 X; by the sea, reserved; 2700 seats. 6.50€/os., 4,40 € / child, 9,30 € / car, tent, Caravan, 12.50 €/installment, 2,20-2,80 €/power connection.

Camping Bjela Uvala (Green Lagoon, tel.052/410551, fax 410600, ac.bijelauvala@plavalaguna.hr). 1 IV-8 X; by the sea, reserved; 6000 seats. 6,50 €/ os., 4,40 € / child, 9,30 € / car, tent, Caravan, 12,50 €/ installment, 2,20-2,80 €/power connection.

Camping Ulika (Green Lagoon, tel.052/ 436325, fax 436325, nc.ulika@plavalaguna.hr). 1 IV — 8 X; a campsite exclusively for naturists; by the sea, reserved; 3000 seats. 6.50€/os., 4,40 € / child, 9,30 € / car, tent, Caravan, 12,50 €/installment, 2,20—2.80 € / electricity connection.

Private accommodation

When planning accommodation in rooms or apartments, it is best to use travel agencies - they have addresses of private persons renting rooms and apartments, in general, they are also representatives of hotels and boarding houses.

Some recruitment agencies: Adriatic (Trg Slobode 2a, tel.052/452663, fax 452187, www.adriatic-istra.com). 25-32 €/double room, 35-44 € / apartament 2-os., 61—76 € / apartament 4-os. Arlen (the. Vukovarska 26, tel.052/453145, fax 434819, www.arlen.hr). 22-30 €/double room, 30—45 € / apartament 2-os., 50-90 € / apartament 4-os.

OF Tours (the. May Day 2, tel.052/ 432100, fax 431300, www.di-tours.hr). 33—37 € / double room, 40—48 € / apartament 2-os., 56—70 € / apartament 4-os.

Euro 92 (the. A. Butorac 29, tel.052/ 453153, fax 453154, www.euro92.hr). 22—31 € / double room, 28—48 € / apartament 2-os., 48—90 € / apartament 4-os. Fiore Tours (the. M. Vlasica 6, tel.052/ 431397, fax 434075). 26-30 €/double room, 24-43 € / apartament 2-os., 35-63 € / apartament 4-os.

Istria Line (the. Partisan 4, tr052/ 434020, fax 432116, www.straline. com). 26—45 € / apartament 2-os., 40-70 € / apartament 4-os.

Sun Turist Service (the. A. Butorac 14, tel.052/451446, fax 451446, www.istra. com / suntourist). 28—33 € / double room, 35—43 € / apartament 2-os., 61-75 € / apart-tament 4-os.

Teams (the. M. Vlasica 23, tel.052/432529, fax 431824, www.teamar.hr). 15—29 € / double room, 20—44 € / apartament 2-os., 28—70 € / apartament 4-os.


There are plenty of dining options in the city of varying standards and prices. Many of them operate along the port promenade, np. specializing in fish dishes Safora (Coast of Marshal Tito 13) or the neighboring Skaleta (no 12).

Peterokutna Kula Restaurant (the. Decumenus 1; 12.00-2.00). Valued for good cuisine. Admire the views from the terrace at the top of the tower.

The pizzeria Cotton Club and two other places of this type are located on Trgu slobode. They all have large gardens with umbrellas. Konoba Ulysses (the. Decumenus 2; 12.00—2.00). M.in. dishes with truffles; terrace.

Istra Restaurant (the. B. Milanovic 30; pn.—nd. 11.00—24.00). Specialty: fish under the sea.

Inn Vipava (Trg J. Crayfish 8; 7.00-22.00). A large place with a shady garden; moderate prices.

Pizzeria Dali (the. Istrian divorce 1; pn.—nd. 11.00-24.00).

Rotonda coffee bar (Narodni trg 3a, in the circular Pietra de Mula tower). From the terrace at the top you can see the sea nicely.

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